Sunday 2 June 2013

Kilauea, USA

kilauea, the world’s most active volcanic mass, located on the southeastern part of the island of Hawaii, Hawaii state, U.S. The central feature of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, Kilauea (“Much Spreading” in Hawaiian), is an elongated dome built of lava eruptions from a central crater and from lines of craters extending along east and southwest rifts, or fissures. The volcano’s 4,090-foot (1,250-metre) summit has collapsed to form a caldera, a broad shallow depression nearly 3 miles (5 km) long and 2 miles (3.2 km) wide with an area of more than 4 square miles (10 square km). Kilauea’s slopes merge with those of the nearby volcano Mauna Loa on the west and north.|

Kilauea is bordered by Mauna Loa volcano (west and north), the Ka‘ū Desert (southwest), ‘Āinahou Ranch (south), and a tropical fern jungle (north-northeast). The littoral Ka‘ū Desert consists of barren lava, crusted volcanic ash, and moving dunes of windblown ash and pumice 10 to 30 feet (3 to 9 meters) high. The Thurston Lava Tube, a 450-foot (135-metre) tunnel east of the caldera, was formed when a lava stream’s outer crust hardened while the molten lava continued its flow.

Visovac Monastery

The Visovac Monastery (Croatian: Samostan Visovac) is a Catholic (Roman Rite ) monastery on the island of Visovac in the Krka National Park ,Croatia . Visovac was settled by Augustinian monks, who established a small monastery and church dedicated to the Apostle Paul in the 14th century. In 1445 the Augustinian monastery was enlarged and adapted by the Franciscans  who settled here having withdrawn from parts of Bosnia with other, ordinary people, when the Turks had taken over there. A new monastery was built in the 18th century. The rich monastery library includes particularly rare incunabula of Aesop`s fables (Brescia 1487) printed by the Lastovo printer Dobric Dobricevic (s. Lastovo), a collection of documents (the sultan'sedicts) and a sabre belonging to Vuk Mandusic, one of the best-loved heroes of  Serbian epic poetry.
It is part of the based in Franciscan Province of the Most Holy Redeemer = split

Biggest Brain Damaging Habits


people who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level.
This leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.


it causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to decrease in mental power.


it causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

Too much sugar will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our human body . Inhaling polluted air decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brain efficiency.

sleep allows our brain to rest .Long term deprivation from sleep will accelerate the death of brain cells.

sleeping with head covered ,increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decreases concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects .

Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to the decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damaging it.

intellectual conversations will promote efficiency of brain.


thing is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage .



One of Albert Einstein’s greatest accomplishments was the proving, though mathematics, the existence of black holes. From the advances in technology, we now have been able to find several black holes, and believe one to be at the center of our very own Milky Way galaxy. What is more is astonishing, however, is what Einstein also proved through his equations; white holes also exist. The exact opposite of black holes, white holes are believed to “spit out” an incredible amount of matter from seemingly nothing. Such an object should be easy to find, yet none have been. If one was found, it may help us explain other unknown mysteries, such as where the material that made the galaxies came from.

. Did you know ???

1. Monalisa has no eyebrows.

2. The first owner of the marlbaro cigarette company died of lung cancer so did the model.

3. Alexander grahambell the inventor of telephone never telephoned his wife or mother because they both were deaf.

4. The worlds thinnest book has only one word written in it:"Everything"and the book is titled: What A human Wants
Spider for Cloud Computing

The new Spider Computer by Swedish designer, Nikolaus Frank, gives the mobile computer user a smaller and lighter option for travel. This small device relies on a projected screen and laser keyboard to offer you a ready computer on the go. It relies totally on the “cloud” factor and even doubles up as awkward phone.

Its three legs can easily be folded out, allowing it to be placed on a flat surface. Storing all your data on the Cloud, it reduces the amount of electronics you need to take with you. Digital correction compensates for angular differences in projection versus surface.

Working prototype was made for technology, user studies and research. When you fold it up, it also works as a mobile phone . It can be carried in your pocket and brought anywhere.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Facts that you don`t Believe


In 2003, Niue became the world's first "Wi-Fi nation", in which free wireless Internet access is provided throughout the country by The Internet Users Society-Niue.

Niue has acknowledged the unbelievable popularity of a game that has gripped the hearts and minds of devotees everywhere by issuing the first ever legal tender Pokemon coins

David Vetter lived his whole 12 years in sterile “bubble”. He was “outside less than 10 second after being removed from his mother’s womb. He never touched any human.

David Vetter became famous for living in a sterile environment. He was born with severe combine dimmuno deficiency (SCID), a disorder that causes the immune system to notwork. Because of this, exposure to any germs could prove fatal. He was called "David, the bubble boy" by the news media.


This is How 'Lulu' saved her Owner.

A Pot Bellied pig is being hailed a hero after saving her owners life. Jo Ann Altsman suffered a heart attack while vacationing in the North Woods of Presque Isle,Pennsylvania. Jo Ann wasunconscious and in desperate need of
medical attention.The only other soul with her was Jo Ann’s
Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig LuLu.Realizing her friend needed help the quick thinking pig sprang into action.LuLu ran out of the house somehome getting the gate opened.
She then ran into the street and laid down in front of traffic. Several cars just drove around her. Not willing to give up LuLu tried again laying down in the middle of the street and stopping traffic.Finally a man got out of his car to make sure LuLu was not
hurt. LuLu got up as he approached her and started towards the house. The concerned citizen followed LuLu to her home finding Jo Ann Altsman unconscious and called 911.
The State then honored the Pig 'Lulu' with National Humane Award.

Temple Run


Temple Run 2 features the same controls and plot as its predecessor, however introduces new obstacles, including ziplines, mine tracks, sharper turns, waterfalls, and flames of fire. The game is set in a new location which seems to be based off of eastern temples, and sees the main character moving at a faster pace. There are four characters for the player to select from. The game also features new power-ups. Players now have the ability to save the protagonist from death with the help of green gems that are collected while running or purchased online. The three monkeys that chased the character in the original game have been eliminated, with a singular enlarged monkey called Cuchanck now becoming the antagonist of the game.

The controllable characters are:
  • Guy Dangerous - default explorer
  • Scarlett Fox - costs 5,000 coins
  • Barry Bones - costs 15,000 coins
  • Karma Lee - costs 25,000 coins
Development and Release

According to Imangi Studios, Temple Run 2 was under development since March 2012 and was developed by Imangi's small creative staff. Imangi stated that the main purpose of Temple Run 2 was to make the game similar and "familiar" to the original game, however to introduce new elements to the game and create a redeveloped experience. Temple Run 2 was announced in a surprise announcement by Imangi on January 16, 2013, with the game being released in the App Store in New Zealand immediately, and an international release coming a few hours later. The Android version was released on January 24, 2013.

Ipone Camera Apps

Camera Genius has been around since 2009 -- a long time in the app world. The developers of this $3 camera app have updated it again and again over its life, hitting version 4.3 in February of 2012. Camera Genius is a jack of all trades. It adds additional shooting options, like a full-screen shutter button and time stamping. It adds sharing tools like quick uploading to Facebook, Flickr, Tumblr, Twitter and Picasa. And it offers editing options: A simple cropping tool sits alongside tons of color filters for styling up photographs.

The app is popular enough to have accrued more than 1.5 million downloads in its lifetime. While some of its features, like burst shooting and anti-shake, have been made redundant by updates to Apple's basic camera app, Camera Genius is a simple tool that provides a lot of functionality in an amateur-friendly interface.


The $4 Mattebox app looks simple, but it's actually a photo app built for photographers who are used to shooting with fancy DSLRs. The user interface is modeled after a famous camera made in the 1990s, the Konika Hexar, and it uses that camera's viewfinder as inspiration. Mattebox displays information pro photographers expect to see at a glance:ISO, white balance, shutter speed and focal distance. Only white balance can be manually controlled due to the iPhone hardware, but all that information is on display for photographers to keep in mind while shooting.
One of the app's coolest features is a dual-stage shutter button, or slider. By holding down the button, you can lock exposure and focus, then adjust your framing before sliding the button down and snapping a shot. Mattebox also offers some basic editing tools for cropping, color, exposure, gamma and saturation tweaking, but the unique viewfinder is its primary draw.


Like Camera Awesome, Camera+'s name implies a twist on the basic features offered by Apple's default photo-taking app. With more than 7 million downloads, Camera+ has become the go-to photo-taking app that fulfills the jack-of-all-trades slot once owned by Camera Genius. The $2 app offers a range of shooting features, like constant fill lighting from the LED, image stabilization, timer and burst modes, and a 6x digital zoom option. The range of editing tools is even greater, starting with a "clarity" feature that auto-tweaks images, much like Camera Awesome's "awesomizer."
Camera+ allows you to import photos taken in the default camera app and edit them with effects, filters and a digital "flash" that brightens overly dark images. Cropping, borders and sharing to Twitter, Facebook and Flickr round out the list of expected features.