Sunday 2 June 2013



One of Albert Einstein’s greatest accomplishments was the proving, though mathematics, the existence of black holes. From the advances in technology, we now have been able to find several black holes, and believe one to be at the center of our very own Milky Way galaxy. What is more is astonishing, however, is what Einstein also proved through his equations; white holes also exist. The exact opposite of black holes, white holes are believed to “spit out” an incredible amount of matter from seemingly nothing. Such an object should be easy to find, yet none have been. If one was found, it may help us explain other unknown mysteries, such as where the material that made the galaxies came from.

. Did you know ???

1. Monalisa has no eyebrows.

2. The first owner of the marlbaro cigarette company died of lung cancer so did the model.

3. Alexander grahambell the inventor of telephone never telephoned his wife or mother because they both were deaf.

4. The worlds thinnest book has only one word written in it:"Everything"and the book is titled: What A human Wants
Spider for Cloud Computing

The new Spider Computer by Swedish designer, Nikolaus Frank, gives the mobile computer user a smaller and lighter option for travel. This small device relies on a projected screen and laser keyboard to offer you a ready computer on the go. It relies totally on the “cloud” factor and even doubles up as awkward phone.

Its three legs can easily be folded out, allowing it to be placed on a flat surface. Storing all your data on the Cloud, it reduces the amount of electronics you need to take with you. Digital correction compensates for angular differences in projection versus surface.

Working prototype was made for technology, user studies and research. When you fold it up, it also works as a mobile phone . It can be carried in your pocket and brought anywhere.

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