Saturday 1 June 2013

Facts that you don`t Believe


In 2003, Niue became the world's first "Wi-Fi nation", in which free wireless Internet access is provided throughout the country by The Internet Users Society-Niue.

Niue has acknowledged the unbelievable popularity of a game that has gripped the hearts and minds of devotees everywhere by issuing the first ever legal tender Pokemon coins

David Vetter lived his whole 12 years in sterile “bubble”. He was “outside less than 10 second after being removed from his mother’s womb. He never touched any human.

David Vetter became famous for living in a sterile environment. He was born with severe combine dimmuno deficiency (SCID), a disorder that causes the immune system to notwork. Because of this, exposure to any germs could prove fatal. He was called "David, the bubble boy" by the news media.


This is How 'Lulu' saved her Owner.

A Pot Bellied pig is being hailed a hero after saving her owners life. Jo Ann Altsman suffered a heart attack while vacationing in the North Woods of Presque Isle,Pennsylvania. Jo Ann wasunconscious and in desperate need of
medical attention.The only other soul with her was Jo Ann’s
Vietnamese Pot Bellied Pig LuLu.Realizing her friend needed help the quick thinking pig sprang into action.LuLu ran out of the house somehome getting the gate opened.
She then ran into the street and laid down in front of traffic. Several cars just drove around her. Not willing to give up LuLu tried again laying down in the middle of the street and stopping traffic.Finally a man got out of his car to make sure LuLu was not
hurt. LuLu got up as he approached her and started towards the house. The concerned citizen followed LuLu to her home finding Jo Ann Altsman unconscious and called 911.
The State then honored the Pig 'Lulu' with National Humane Award.

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